free hit counter code suck it trebek: not to make you feel bad for us...

suck it trebek

alex trebek is a horrible, horrible man. he's an apparent misogynist who thinks he knows everything. we don't think you do, alex. but we still love the Jeopardy! ...and other things too.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

not to make you feel bad for us...

but we here at suck it are broken. and broke, but that's beside the point. well, kind of relevant, but whatever.

as nerver rolls around all achy with what i can only assume is a new strain of that outbreak virus, i am learning about the joys of an impacted wisdom tooth. it feels rather wretched, and i have already run the gamut of crying/dry heaving/surliness because of the pain. really, can't one of you bring soups and medicines to live oak's version of melrose place to make us feel better? i think there are episodes of jeopardy tivoed to bribe you with... we have excellent answer and question skills. and cats and a dog that will act like they love you more than their favorite toys.

question: what makes my presciption company (medco, the bastards) think it's ok to charge me a $65 copay for pills that only cost $42 market, essentially pocketing the difference? really? a mere two months ago they only charged me $25 a month, but hey, i guess that wasn't good enough for them. bastards. i guess they expect me to go to the pharmacy and just pretend i don't have insurance, that way i'll only have to pay the $42 that it actually costs. please, just give me a generic why don't you!?!? do other people have these kinds of problems? i mean doesn't "co-pay" imply that i should only have to pay for part of something, rather than the whole thing, and then a little extra to boot?

on the brightside -- if you accidentally spill hot chocolate all over your desk and into your keyboard, david's only a hop, skip and a jump away from a stash of replacements. my new keyboard is so nice -- they keys aren't as clangy as the last one. and it's so clean!

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Blogger Rj said...

Hope the two of you are feeling better.

6:28 PM  
Blogger nerver said...

thank you! (from both of us!)

6:00 PM  

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